Thursday, May 3, 2012

This is my friend Elyse holding up a sign I found at the farmers market right here in Kutztown, PA. It brought up a good point that I've been thinking about during the class. While we could say "This is bad, this only shows the past and not contemporary Native American people", this is an artifact of the time, a true vintage. If these were being churned out by the thousand to this day, that would be a different story. While we have to focus on the future, the past did exist. I'm not sure what kind of person would buy this and hang it over their fireplace proudly, but this is a pretty cool piece of art that shows the morality of perhaps the 1960s(?) This brings up the reminiscence that didn't 7Up or something sponsor the Native American occupation of Alcatraz(or did I make that up and remember something wrong) Regardless, this sign shows the past of what used to be acceptable(and probably would be somewhat acceptable today, and thankfully would have some sort of outcry). I'm not sure what a soda product would want with an "Indian Warrior" representing them either, but that's besides the point.

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