Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ashton Kutcher and White Privlege

Dave Chappelle has always been one to take things over the top and not care about what anybody thinks. That's why he's great. As an African American comic, he realizes that he, himself, is African American and his audience is as well. He brings up the idea of white privilege, how white people can get away with such racist things and not have anybody question it. The idea of the comedy ladder comes into play, where white people are at the top majority, while it is okay for comics like Dave Chappelle to make jokes of any nature. If Dave Chappelle wasn't white, these jokes would not be okay at all. Though, because he is not white, his jokes are clever, funny, and appropriate.

1 comment:

  1. I remember doing my radio show right after coming back from DC, I made a joke about NA cultures. I can't remember what it was exactly, but I covered myself immediately with "and that is totally not okay because I'm not Native American enough to say that." My co-host was confused and I had to explain to her the difference between IN and OUT jokes were. She thought it was weird and then it occurred to me how strange the idea of race designating what can and cannot be funny. It's wack yo. Totally out of control.
