Thursday, May 3, 2012

Woody Allen Metaphor... and More!

 This brings up the issue of majority opinion. Native American's numbers are much lower than African Americans. This is also much lower, of course, than White Americans. The amount of publicity, opinion, and thought going towards a certain race, religion, ect. is all based on how many people will complain if you do something against their group. For example, if all the people that looked like Woody Allen were formed into a group and then another majority group started bashing their dashing looks, impeccable sense of style, and fashionable glasses and then made them a mascot of a football team, then all 5 of Woody Allen's look alikes would get angry. The fact that there would be thousands of people bashing these 5 people would outweigh any voice that the 5 look alikes had. There would be nothing that they could do about it, because nobody would listen.
 Disobey: When oppressed, it is your duty to rise against the oppressors and fight until your rights are achieved.
Obama being like-able and stuff

A pretty cool article.

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