Thursday, May 3, 2012

Indian Summer

I was trying to research the correlation I was trying to tie with Native Americans and 7up(Somebody fill me in here in what I'm thinking or tell me I'm crazy) and I found this awesome comic. It highlights the idea of "Indian summer" and the fact that Native American season are just like everybody else's. Well, except for the fact that all year 'round they are on reservations, mis-treated, forced into poverty, segregated, and all of that.

On the forum that I found it on(which is a forum to talk about music and stuff, not sure why this is on there), I found this hilarious quote.
Originally Posted by adidasss
the reality of the native americans is that life in the reservations in below the american average and that it made a lot of native americans
well yes for the most part lot of them do live on reservation other just try to say the are not native americans, acually white make up the highest percentage of drunk and alcoholics in the US but they do for the most part live below stands.

Every comment on this topic is pretty much interesting in it's own way. A bunch of people roasting each other. I could probably make a blog post about each of their posts, but that would get repetitive fast.

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